About Us


Our Accounting software for education ASSET Base, ASSET Diplomat & ASSET Uni or better known as the ASSET Series is the brainchild and innovation of our advisor the late Allahyarhamah Prof Dr Arfah Salleh.

The ASSET series is patented, endorsed and even accredited by both local and international professional associations such as The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants, UK (ACCA), The Chartered Institute of Management Accountants, UK (CIMA), the Malaysian Institute of Certified Public Accountants (MICPA).

Through our participation in various international and domestic expos and exhibition, CBAL has been honoured with various awards such as The Ministry of Science & Technology and Innovation of Malaysia Expo 2003 & 2004 (Gold Medal), Salon International Des Inventions, Geneva 2005 (Gold Medal), University Putra Malaysia Invention and Research Award 2003 (Gold Medal), MSC Malaysia APICTA Award 2007 and many others that recognizes the agenda CBAL has been championing which is Bookkeeping and Accounting literacy through technology.


Within the realm of entrepreneurship, CBAL is also a registered consultant, training provider and strategic partner with various entrepreneurship agencies.


Software developed by CBAL have been certified and endorsed by The Royal Malaysian Customs during the previous GST taxation system and now SST. CBAL has also been rated as four star SCORE rating by SME Corp Malaysia and is a HRDCorp certified training provider.